Entrepreneur, author and coach.
Learning Assemblage definition: From Blended Learning to Learning AssemblageTM: method, innovation and realism.
Sophie Courau seasoned conference speaker: 3 topics for opening up, and tailored made dynamic conferences.
Sophie Courau: coach and entrepreneur: Sophie Courau presents her career path.
Sophie Courau executive coach: Helping managers to become leaders.
3 major change in Learning and Development: The end of frontiers: time, national borders, interconnections.
Successful Learning Wheel - Extracts (2015): New ways of learning, new ways for training: Sophie Courau presents the evolution of…
Introduction: The 3 chapters of Sophie Courau’s conference: the shift in retail.
Shopper in a digital world: Digital change our way of shopping… key ideas and food for thought for retailers.
Retailer keeping pace: Retailers re-invent shopping… 10 key ideas.
Best-in-class seamless experience: The evolution of client experience: a new role for sales associates.
New ways of learning - Extracts (2015): Sophie Courau presents new ways of learning in 12 key ideas.
Blended learning solutions panorama - Extracts (2015): How to find your way in various blended solutions? Sophie Courau’s method.
Learning Assemblage TM Method - Extract / Short (2015): Sophie Courau presents her new exclusive method for designing efficient and…